tisdag 6 november 2007


Quinoa (pronounced Keen-wah)
If you haven't discovered it already then it is not too late to jump on the bandwagon. Quinoa is a low GI, gluten free, healthy, nutritious, delicious alternative to rice, pasta and potatoes.
It is grown in Peru and is actually the seeds of the Goosefoot plant.
55.3% carbohydrates, 13.1% protein, 5.8% fat, 13.6% fiber, 9.3% water, and 2.9% minerals

Cooking tips

To cook, bring one part quinoa and two parts liquid to a boil; cover and reduce to a simmer for about 15 minutes or until the grains are translucent. You can also use a rice cooker to prepare quinoa. Some people cook and eat quinoa as they would oatmeal. As a breakfast food, combine the quinoa with honey, nuts or berries.

More info about Quinoa can be found at the following links:

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